Thursday 8 December 2016

Execution: Photoshoot

Hi! Today we had to present our Execution stage photoshoot outcomes. I was really excited because I enjoyed myself so much (I actually felt like a creative director for the past two days!). 

We were asked to create a DIY photoshoot with a creative concept taken from existing editorial shoots from the Vogue Archive. Our photoshoot had to incorporate a fashion accessory, and produce 3 high quality photographs. We were given the Vogue Editorial: Let's Dance - May 2004 photographed by Corrine Day and our accessory was a hand bag (Bao Bao Issey Miyake). As a group, we had to also generate 5 keywords to inform the look of our photoshoot - we picked the words: 


After a lot of hard work and editing these were our final 3 photographs:

I really really loved this project, we tried so many things and explored so many new places in Nottingham which was the best part! Initially, we wanted to do our photoshoot backstage at the Playhouse Theatre but unfortunately we couldn't because they had performances booked for the week. Instead, we managed to shoot outside the Theatre which made our photographs just as great!

The two last images were shot inside the Bonington building - on the stairs and on a wooden handle. I think our most effective picture was on the stairs, I believe this image is super strong and is the definition of our keywords. The Bao Bao Issey Miyake hand bag was so easy to shoot with as we could physically place it however we wanted it.

I loved my group and I loved this project! I'm going back to London today as it's the start of my Christmas holidays! I have over 4 weeks off and I'll be visiting exhibitions/galleries so I'll keep you guys updated on that!

Brandi Kristine


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