Sunday, 30 October 2016

My Favorite Bloggers

Hi! If you own a computer or any sort of device which gives you access to the internet then I'll bet my hat you've heard of the term 'blogging'. If you don't have your own blog, then I can also guarantee that you spend a little bit of time a week happily reading and commenting on other peoples. 

Over the last few years, I feel that blogging has become much more mainstream, probably due to the fact that setting one up takes no time at all. This makes it difficult to find a blog that you genuinely enjoy browsing and find different to the rest. 

But I found some! I regularly read up on a number of blogs (probably too many!) so I thought I'd tell you guys my top three and why I class them my favourite!


Morgan started her blog early 2014, I didn't come across it until March that same year but have been hooked ever since. I think the main reason why I enjoy reading her blog is because she isn't afraid to explore different looks and she happens to be a cast member on The Rich Kids of Beverly Hills (which I love and think to myself why wasn't I born into a multi-billionaire family?). She also has very motivational posts for young girls which for me helps the mind believe your closer to the writer. This makes her both aspirational and relatable, while also relating to a wider audience. 


I actually recently tumbled onto Shirley's blog, and oh boy am I glad I did! Although she posts many outfit posts, my biggest interest is her Photo Diary section where she shows off her travel and lifestyle updates which are incredible! I love the minimalist feel she's created, using more images than words but always having enough writing so it doesn't feel like your stalker her Instagram. (The success she has experienced is made obvious through the Topshop advertisements on her posts!).


If you haven't read Tamara Kalinic's blog as of yet then I highly suggest you do so, she is quite frankly the guru of making everything look visually pleasing (her Instagram is beautiful: @Tamara). Again, I go to her blog for something different, majority of her updates exude luxury as well as expensive (I always try and replicate her outfits in much cheaper brands!). She also has areas of her blog dedicated to beauty and her own public achievements which I feel are area's that don't get enough recognition in the blogging world!

I'll include the link to these three wonderful blogs below, if anybody has any suggestions of blogs they enjoy reading then please don't hesitate to comment below and I'll have a good look!

Shirley's Wardrobe:

Brandi Kristine  

Photo Credit: Shirley's Wardrobe, Glam & Glitter, Boobs & Loubs


Thursday, 27 October 2016

Serious Slashes: Presentation

Hi! Today was the day that I had to present with my group about my chosen trend Serious Slashes (it was safe to say that I was VERY nervous!). Preparing for the presentation was tiring to say the least but we made it by the grace of God!

For our presentation we had to create 4 mood boards, the areas we had to look into were:

Initially this seemed like a lot of work, but I've noticed this pattern where once I start a task I get so into it and end up actually going a bit over board! (Oops!). I felt the best way for us to get our thoughts down was to create brief mind maps for each area and then we researched our ideas through different sources (Magazines, Pinterest, Online, Real Life, Trips etc.) In addition, we also wanted to explore different types of design cultures that could have potentially influenced the trend including architecture and graphics.

I've included images of my work down below so you can kind of get my drift!

Trend Forecasting board: History, Current and Future Inspiration,
Architecture and Advertisements replicating slashes.

Media Board: Magazines, Art, Dance, Photography

Retail Board: Street Style, Mannequins

Consumer Board: Consumer Profile, Invest in the Lifestyle

Overall, I really enjoyed this project (I just hope the rest of my projects are this fun and interesting!). This project was a good learning curve, it made me understand what we should do and what we shouldn't (It taught me to have my project brief right beside me as I'm doing my work!). 

I'm really looking forward to my next project which I'll be talking about in about a week or so! If anybody wants to ask any questions about my research I did then feel free to comment down below. 

Brandi Kristine


Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Hate | Tassel Embellished Cape

Hi! Don't get me wrong I love the brand ASOS, but some of the products they release really do make me question what on earth they were thinking. When browsing on their website I came across this..

It might just be me, but I just don't understand it! Who would be able to seriously pay £32 for what in reality is shoulder pads with strings falling down from it? It reminds me of a rugby players body protection with unnecessary strings swinging down. This leads me to another point, whats the point of the tassels? They'll just blow dramatically because of the wind surely that's annoying? And why have they only been released now? This isn't the season which ladies want their arms out, it's all about covering up in those over-sized jumpers (mainly because Nottingham is freezing!).

But hey, each to their own! Rant over!

Brandi Kristine 

Photo Credit: ASOS

Monday, 24 October 2016

Customer Segmentation

Hi! Todays seminar we discussed Customer Segmentation. In particular, we looked at the brand Marks and Spencer, this topic interested me a lot because I never thought this would be such a successful marketing move on their behalf. We looked at all the sub-brands within the shop floor and compared the garments in each collection.

Customer Segmentation (in my words) is understanding customer differences - A brand like Marks and Spencer understood that there are many 'types' of consumers and with this, they categorised consumers which share similar needs into groups.

Autograph and Indigo are just a few collections M&S have designed for their consumers. With the images above, I believe Autograph was designed for a middle age, working class women (maybe your mums great style is from a local M&S near you!) I say this because the price range of this collection is roughly between £25-£149 (Lord knows I can't afford no £149 jacket!). The collection reflects a contemporary or minimal feel with modern silhouettes. Another brand is Indigo which I feel target the younger generation. This collection varies from casual-chic to cosy-cool. The products range from £15-£79 which is a fantastic price strategy (bargain or what!) it allows younger consumers to keep shopping within the brand as many girls don't have the disposable income to buy expensive clothes.

Learning about Customer Segmentation was very beneficial to me, I got a glimpse of the demographics (simple, factual - about the consumer), behaviour (why the consumer wants to buy your product, behaviour around the product e.g. interested, excited) and attitude (phycology e.g. how the customer is buying the product, what's going inside the consumers head) a brand will look into when considering a collection.

Well, I'll leave a link to the M&S website if anybody's interested in looking more into their collections. I hope you enjoyed it!

Marks and Spencer:

Brandi Kristine

Friday, 21 October 2016

Trend Alert: Chokers

Hi! Chokers have been around for a while now, but I've always felt that they've only really been classed as acceptable since the Kardashian clang have been seen rocking them. Now however, correct me if I'm wrong, the game seems to have changed as many brands have designed a range of choker accessories encouraging the consumers to purchase the popular trend.

At the moment chokers range from around £6 to £25 and are available online and in-store, but I'm pretty sure if you did a bit of digging you might be able to find some on eBay or Amazon.

If you're fancying some however I would snap them up fast, as it's been spotted on various celebrities such as Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Kim Kardashian (this list is endless). 

Here's the link for retail brands Topshop and Urban Outfitters if you want to purchase your very own choker: 

Brandi Kristine

Photo Credit: Topshop, Urban Outfitters, Google

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Research in London

Hi! My first trip on my course at University was a day out in London. I was ecstatic as London is my hometown and I love love love this city! Earlier this week, my tutors split everybody in my course into groups and gave us our first project (which was very scary but exciting all at once!). I was in a group with 4 other girls and my context trend was Serious Slashes.

The aim of the trip was to collect as much research as we could on retail and street style. For the street style images it was constant running - up, down and around Oxford Street asking randoms if we could take pictures of their outfits! As a group, we also went into stores capturing images of visual merchandise, mannequins and clothes which we thought represented the slash trend. 

I've included images below of the day trip so you can kind of understand my drift (I know they're not the best quality, I'll be investing in a decent camera soon, thank God!)




I haven't gone into much depth as I know this won't be everybody's cup of tea so I won't waffle, but after this day trip I really feel this has broadened my knowledge on a wide range of areas (believe it or not but we actually learn more than just clothes on FCP) as well as understanding what a slash trend really is (I was a bit confused and mistaking it for a slit, vent or rip at first). 

Again, I apologise for the poor picture quality, but I won't let that stop me from blogging!

Brandi Kristine 

Photo Credit: Gemma Harper


Sunday, 16 October 2016

The Serious Slash Trend

Hi! This year Spring/Summer catwalks saw a huge influx on the 'slashes' trend internationally. I can guarantee that whenever anybody is asked to come up with ideas that associate with the trend 'slashes', the first thing that comes to mind is ripped jeans.
Ripped jeans are everywhere. To begin with, I felt that the variation of the trend slashes was quite small. For a short period it seemed everybody and their grandmothers were out wearing either jeans with slashes on their knees or a jumper with side slits. However, now I feel as though this has been expanded dramatically, within both the luxury and high street brands.

One luxury brand that I feel epitomises the trend slashes and has done so for some time is Alexander McQueen. Ever since his 90's Spring/Summer collections, Alexander McQueen has exposed the trend into new measures. In this case, I understood 'slash' as not a slit, tear, rip or a vent but the family of - a slash to me are geometric shapes exposing flashes of skin. I think Alexander McQueen understood the trend and used it to his advantages, creating several iconic garments throughout 1994 to 1997 showcasing the very sexy trend.

Anybody who follows Alexander McQueen collections will know they often use cutting-edge designs, however he remains one of the most influential figures in British Fashion. I feel that every single one of their pieces includes lots of tailoring, asymmetric hems and extremely well crafted, this being shown particularly in the image above from Elle China spread styled in Alexander McQueen Autumn/Winter 2016.

The Slashes trend hasn't just been presented on the catwalk however, with a number
of fashion magazines incorporating it on their
front covers as well as forking out thousands
of pounds for photo shoots within their pages, these shots being taken from Chin Spring/Summer 16 Look book you can see
the slashes trend styled
on a male model.

The magazines and look books which I have seen have no iconography or props in their photo shoots. I feel as though not having any props add to the realism of the images, focusing solely on just the garments and making it easier for consumers to see what they're trying to say.

I hope you enjoyed reading my first mini trend post, plenty more to come!

Brandi Kristine

Photo Credit: The K Label, Pinterest


Saturday, 15 October 2016

Bill Cunningham New York

Hi! This fascinating documentary about famed photographer Bill Cunningham features interviews with Vogue editor Anna Wintour, fashion icon Iris Apfel and author Tom Wolfe. Let's be honest, documentaries about the world of fashion have almost become mini-genre. 


This 84-minute movie is a little bit different, because while Bill Cunningham has photographed celebrities of couture and high culture for the last 50 years, he remains definitely outside that chic universe. I actually think it's quite unfair or incomplete to just refer to him as a photographer! He had TWO columns for the New York Times. One, "Evening Hours" shows off the elegant parties and charity shindigs frequented by the rich and famous.  But in "On the Street" he captures ordinary New Yorkers as they race around the city. 

Bill Cunningham travels everyday on his bicycle, stopping frequently when an image strikes his eye. He comments that he's had 27 bicycles stolen (which I would be really annoyed about!). The film also introduces dramas of Cunningham living in a studio apartment above Carnegie Hall. 

The film is a touching tribute to a man whose enduring love affair has been with his work and with all the strangers who continue to engage his curiosity. I absolutely loved this documentary and I'll recommend it a thousand times!

Column "Evening Hours" New York Times

Column "On the Street" New York Times

I'll include the Bill Cunningham New York documentary link below if anybody is interested in watching it below and enjoy!

Brandi Kristine

Photo Credit: Google 

Friday, 14 October 2016

Fashion is "never ugly"

Hi! I was browsing the internet the other night trying to find some interesting documentaries/interviews which I could talk about on my blog (took me ages!) and I found an interview with the iconic and infamous Karl Lagerfeld on ITV News which aired last year. It's clear that he is a bit like marmite in the fashion world, you either love what he has done with Chanel or hate it. My personal views: I LOVE it!

With that being said, he simply can't be denied a pat on the back for turning the luxury brand into a "multi billion pound industry". 

I've shared a link above if anybody is interested in watching the short interview. 

You can thank me later!

Brandi Kristine

Photo Credit: ITV News 

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Why Fashion?

Hi! If you've read my previous post you'll be aware that I've decided to study Fashion Communication and Promotion at University (bit of a mouthful but exciting nonetheless!) Ever since I made this decision it's insane how much I've noticed the negative stigma people have towards fashion as a career. Whenever anybody asked me what I wished to study, all I had to say was the word 'fashion' and people would either stop listening, sarcastically say "Do you even make money from studying fashion!?" or just assume I'd be spending three years 'making clothes' which is the most frustrating thing in the world!

I think the reason why I was so attracted to this course was because of how broad and in depth I feel it is. It covers everything (literally!) from Graphics, Visual Merchandising, PR/Events, Journalism (the list is almost endless). I've never been a person who has a clear direction on what to do when I grow up, so I felt FCP was perfect for me in the sense that it gives me a taste of all these different areas before I make a formal decision on my career path! I'm the luckiest girl to have the most supportive daddy and boyfriend. At first, my boyfriend never really understood why I would go to University and study fashion especially because it's super expensive and it's vital to get your money's worth but I think after him seeing my dedication and genuine interest, he sort of 'accepted' it. It used to get to me when people turned their nose up about my choice to study fashion but now it makes me laugh as it's literally EVERYWHERE! Everybody is constantly embracing it whether you're aware of it or not. According to the British Fashion Council, the value of fashion and the household spending of fashion products rose to £82.3 billion. Now that's an all time high!

So, to anybody contemplating studying anything related to fashion at University, I say do it! It's such an exciting and fast paced world which is constantly evolving and changing so it's pretty much impossible to get bored! I've been studying my course for only as little as three months and I'm already gobsmacked by just how vast and exciting it all is. 

Do what you love and don't let anybody tell you different!

Brandi Kristine


Friday, 7 October 2016

FCP Pre Arrival Activity

Hi! I'm currently in my third month of University life at Nottingham Trent studying Fashion Communication and Promotion and I'm absolutely loving it (although I do miss my boyfriend a hell of a lot). Before arriving at University, in fact before I knew if I had achieved the grades I needed to get on this highly oversubscribed course, I was set an activity to complete which I would bring with me to present and discuss during Fresher's/Induction Week.

The description of the activity was as follows:

Identify examples of what you feel are some of the best Fashion Communication and Promotion touch points. Who in your opinion is translating, projecting or exploring fashion codes and messages in an innovative and exciting way? 

What are you reading, watching or following? We are interested in your perspective, introduce us to your current preoccupations and fashion favourites! 

Select, print, photograph or collect the following:
1. Three digital examples (blogs, websites, twitter feeds)
2. Three printed examples (magazines, brochures, brandzines)
3. Three retail examples (shop windows, visual merchandising, shop interiors)

When I first read through what I had to do I definitely PANICKED but once I actually sat down and thought about it, I realised how exciting and fun it would be!

I'm a massive lover of making things look aesthetically pleasing so I decided to display my choices on three separate mood boards. Unfortunately, when I first started University I had a Nokia phone which was about £10 from Tesco's (with NO camera!) as I lost my iPhone on holiday and cancelled my insurance just weeks before (Ugh such a long story lol)... So I didn't take any pictures of my mood boards which I am really unhappy about. 

It turned out that there was no reason to get worked up about this task, all the tutors put everyone at ease and we all discussed our ideas with one another so it was very relaxed!

Brandi Kristine

Photo credit: Google


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Contact Me

Hi! I'm always happy to respond to messages and queries, whether it be here on my blog in the comments section, via email or on other social media platforms!

Instagram: @brandikris

If you're a brand and would like to get in touch, you can do so via the email stated above!

Brandi Kristine

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