Sunday, 9 October 2016

Why Fashion?

Hi! If you've read my previous post you'll be aware that I've decided to study Fashion Communication and Promotion at University (bit of a mouthful but exciting nonetheless!) Ever since I made this decision it's insane how much I've noticed the negative stigma people have towards fashion as a career. Whenever anybody asked me what I wished to study, all I had to say was the word 'fashion' and people would either stop listening, sarcastically say "Do you even make money from studying fashion!?" or just assume I'd be spending three years 'making clothes' which is the most frustrating thing in the world!

I think the reason why I was so attracted to this course was because of how broad and in depth I feel it is. It covers everything (literally!) from Graphics, Visual Merchandising, PR/Events, Journalism (the list is almost endless). I've never been a person who has a clear direction on what to do when I grow up, so I felt FCP was perfect for me in the sense that it gives me a taste of all these different areas before I make a formal decision on my career path! I'm the luckiest girl to have the most supportive daddy and boyfriend. At first, my boyfriend never really understood why I would go to University and study fashion especially because it's super expensive and it's vital to get your money's worth but I think after him seeing my dedication and genuine interest, he sort of 'accepted' it. It used to get to me when people turned their nose up about my choice to study fashion but now it makes me laugh as it's literally EVERYWHERE! Everybody is constantly embracing it whether you're aware of it or not. According to the British Fashion Council, the value of fashion and the household spending of fashion products rose to £82.3 billion. Now that's an all time high!

So, to anybody contemplating studying anything related to fashion at University, I say do it! It's such an exciting and fast paced world which is constantly evolving and changing so it's pretty much impossible to get bored! I've been studying my course for only as little as three months and I'm already gobsmacked by just how vast and exciting it all is. 

Do what you love and don't let anybody tell you different!

Brandi Kristine


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