Wednesday 16 November 2016

Role Model: Stacey McKenzie

Hi! Stacey McKenzie is definitely one of my favourite supermodels of all time, and probably the most amazing model to have ever come into this fashion world. For a 26 year old women, she is unbelievably gutsy and she is so thankful and passionate about her modelling career. On the new episode of America's Next Top Model Season 23, Episode 2 "Lights, Camera, Catwalks" she taught the models how strut what their mothers gave them!

Read the Instagram caption... Need I say more about how motivational she is? 

After looking at the image above, it reminds of the great speech she told the ladies on the fashion reality show, how girls need to stick together and motivate each other. After seeing how amazing Stacey's story was, I just had to write a post about her. She's what the modelling world needs! Not all that bitchy and cattiness towards one another. 

For such a young women I believe she's nothing short of incredible, telling her emotional and discriminating story I hope empowers and motivates other young women all over the world.

Keep doing Stacey! Everybody loves you!

For anybody interested in watching the episode and hearing her story, I'll leave the link below:

Brandi Kristine 

Photo Credit: Instagram

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