Thursday, 10 November 2016

The Big Idea

Hi! As a lot of you may know by now, I'm currently studying FCP at Nottingham Trent University and today was the day I got set my second formative project. Again, this was a group effort and we all got split into groups of 4 or 5. The Big Idea project was solely based on the environmental and social impact on the Fashion Industry.

As a group, we all discussed the most important points and which we would research about in more depth and these were:
-  Ethical and environmental issues in the fashion industry
- Best practise, businesses and individuals who are tackiling the issue in a positive way
- Campaigns that have successfully raised awareness about these issues
- The best way of targeting students

We all decided through Guerilla Marketing we would be able to raise awareness of ethical clothing and as a result get consumers to change 20% of their wardrobe. With that being said, we decided to name our clothing #NOBLOODONOURHANDS thinking it would be bold and catch the attention of students. We aimed to target students in their everyday life by placing statements of awareness on sides of University buildings, the Student Union and within Student Accommodations (the message is continued everywhere e.g. student welcome packs, T-shirts and coffee cups). Another idea thought was placing bloody footprints while standing in various stores with "pregnant women are made to stand up in factories as punishment".

Primary and Secondary research was a very big factor within this project as it was vital for us to know how students really felt about environmental and social matters within the fashion industry. Also, if they like or disliked our ideas and their thoughts of how we could improve it.

I must admit this project made me think! It was a very big eye opener and I'll definitely think before I buy!

Brandi Kristine

Photo Credit: Brandi Monteiro 


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