Tuesday 1 November 2016

Colour Theory

Hi! We finally got our FIRST lecture on colour. Learning about and creating colour palettes was my entire day today and I must say I enjoyed every single part of it!

The image above is an activity we had to do during our seminar in the ICT room. I'll be the first to admit I'm absolutely rubbish at Photoshoot! I can only hope I'll get better (this means watching youtube videos for hours). I think the key knowledge I gained in this activity was the use of each and every tool on the toolbar. I played around with an image that I found on Google, thinking about the selection, relationship and proportion between each colour. 

After this task, I went back home and created a Pinterest board on my own time. (https://uk.pinterest.com/brandikris_/colour-theory/)

Brandi Kristine 

Photo Credit: Brandi Monteiro

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